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Welcome to my 4th income and traffic report for my first ever blog!
Blog Name: momwifeandeverydaylife
Period: April 2021
Month: Month 4
Experience: This is my first blog
Launched: January 10th 2021
A Quick Breakdown
Hit 400-lifetime users 4/13/21
Got on to Google Search Console for the first time
Keep chugging along
The Numbers
Published Posts | 6 |
Users | 203 |
Pageviews | 368 |
Email Subscribers | 0 |
Pinterest Followers (total) | 12 |
Pinterest Impressions | 38.4 K |
Income | $4.82 |
Expenses | 0 |
We are making a family change when it comes to our daughter in the near future. She is officially going to start attending daycare. With this, I would like to increase my blogging in general. I need to set stronger and more specific goals moving forward.
One major goal I have is to launch another blog….or two. I don’t know if this will be too much to handle though. I am still performing so many tasks manually that I don’t know if I can handle content creation, pin creation, publishing of both, and the general tasks that come with running multiple websites. This summer will be the time when I go for it if I do.
Another task I want to take on is taking a large number of photos for pin creation. I have often read that Pinterest likes fresh content and original photos, rather than stock photos. This could be helpful in my Pinterest traffic, which is slow-growing.
This would be me taking on another completely new task. I am not a photographer and do not have the time right now to learn any skills in this area.
I am not overly excited about Pinterest this month. I am worried my strategy is not working. I had some amazing days in early April, but then just couldn’t hang on to the traffic.
In the graphic below, that super high peak is early April. It is amazing! Can’t complain about that. And if you look at April compared to January you can tell things are going well.
My concern is comparing April to March. March was more consistent. April appears to drop down with time.
Every so often it is good to take a step back and look at the full picture.
Google Analytics
Users, sessions, and page views are all down for April compared to March. This is such a bummer!
I did hit 500 total users this month though which was exciting.
I feel like I am getting ahead again. March was a bit of a fall behind type month. April has been getting back to being ahead. I like to have about 4 posts scheduled to publish in WordPress. Some people would say, why don’t you just publish them when they are ready, but I like to publish on a consistent schedule and this allows me to do so.
By having content scheduled to publish I have a sense of completion. I can take content off my to-do list and focus on something else.
Writing and publishing cannot be the only things that get done.
If you have a desire to track your own blogging numbers click the form to become a subscriber and you will get a free PDF with templates you can use yourself. I have provided a couple of options as well as an example filled out for you.
When I first started my blog (and prelaunch) I was constantly working on it. I work up at 6 am to work, did so every chance I got during the day and then would work in the evenings.
Now that things have changed a bit I am not waking up early in the mornings. I honestly wasn’t doing so in March either. I only work in the evening maybe one night a week, rather than 4+.
I have slowed down in a lot of ways.
Sometimes I wish I could maintain the excitement I had in the beginning, but I also realize I was heading for burnout. Now I am striving for balance.
Blogging is not my current career. I’ve only made like $5. I still have my regular job. When I say regular job, it is not standard in that I do often have the flexibility and don’t always work full weeks.
I am already learning and evolving from when I first started blogging.
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