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Is anyone else having issues with manually scheduling pins through Pinterest?
When you go to schedule pins does it sit there loading forever until you eventually refresh and lose everything?!?
Let me tell you what I went through and what I have discovered.
At first, I thought to manually pin on the Pinterest platform you had to do so daily. This is not true! You can go about 14 days in advance, so you can batch schedule.
Batch work is the bomb!
So I started with Pinterest and learned how to manually pin and schedule out my pins.
The first thing I would like to say is during all of my blogging research I barely heard of this. Everyone was promoting Tailwind. I wanted to save money and not use Tailwind.
I couldn’t believe how little was out there on scheduling with Pinterest.
I thought the only way to publish a pin on Pinterest was to log in and do so at that very moment.
Tailwind. Tailwind. Tailwind.
That was all anyone talked about.
If you are interested in seeing how I schedule my pins take a read of my Helpful Guide to Publishing Your First Pin on Pinterest.
My Pinning Strategy
So my initial pinning was the creation of a single pin that I would then schedule with a description and a title. I would copy it and save it to multiple boards.
So let’s say the pin in Perfect Your Jump Shot in Just 10 Days. I am referring to one pin for one article.
Now when I would go to schedule it, I would make it go to multiple boards every other day.
Same image. Same title. Same description. Same URL
Scheduled out to go to four boards over these dates
3/10 Basketball
3/12 Shooting Skills
3/14 Practice
3/16 Sports
Are you still with me?
So there would be 4 copies of this pin.
I would go to hit the Publish button and get the spinning wheel of death.
They would never publish. So I would reload the page. And everything would be gone.
This meant that I had to redo everything. Such a waste of time! Pinning was literally taking me twice as long as it should be. This is ridiculous, but I still didn’t want to pay for Tailwind so I put up with completing the task twice.
Pinning was becoming my least favorite task involved with blogging.
I dreaded it.
Updated Pinning Strategy
I started reading up on the recent changes to the Pinterest algorithm. Everyone is talking about fresh pins. You should no longer duplicate your pins. Pinterest wants fresh images. This was what I started reading about everywhere.
So I put this into action.
I would do the exact same steps as before, but the pin images would not be a direct copy. While in Canva I would make 4 slightly different pins. For the most part, I would just shrink or enlarge the image in the pin.
Different image slightly. Same title. Same description. Same URL
Scheduled out to go to four boards over these dates
3/10 Basketball
3/12 Shooting Skills
3/14 Practice
3/16 Sports
But now when I went to publish it would work the first time.
This was amazing!
By changing what I was doing my manual pining started to work on the first try.
This was my solution to having to reload the page each time.
So what is the deal with Pinterest trying to control what we do? I don’t know. It was like they were punishing me for trying to publish duplicate pins.
Or were they trying to get me on to Tailwind and away from manual pinning?
All I know is the Pinterest algorithm seems to be constantly changes. I think a lot of people are struggling with it. I can’t seem to make any progress on the platform myself.
Manually Pinning
From my understanding of what is going on with Pinterest, Tailwind is no longer a necessary expense.
People used to swear by Tailwind. They would put their pins on loops. They would join Tailwind Tribe which then became Tailwind Communities. Everybody would re-pin each others’ content.
From my understanding as someone who has never used Tailwind the only benefit remaining is the ability to schedule your pins out further than you can with manual pinning on the Pinterest platform.
I would love to schedule once a month and be done with that task, but for the price, I will deal with my weekly task of manually scheduling pins.
I think Tailwind is dead.
I think many bloggers pushed Tailwind because of the affiliate program and are now going to miss that income.
Maybe in the future Tailwind will make a comeback.
Comment below if you experienced this issue and what you think about it.
Do you still use Tailwind?
What is your Pinterest strategy?
Check Out My Articles
Would I Recommend Tailwind for New Bloggers?